Discover the power of symptom constellations with Wolfgang Spitta
Systemic approach to understanding symptoms and their deeper meanings

- On November 30th and December 1st, the places for a personal setup are FULL.
- As a representative, there is ALWAYS ROOM, as well on the 30th as on the 1st.
Symptom constellations with Wolfgang Spitta
0:00 Who is Wolfgang Spitta?
0:43 What do you mean by symptoms?
1:19 If people would not deal with their symptoms what would happen to them?
2:41 Are there only physical symptoms? Are there other symptoms as well?
3:34 Can you compare symptom constellations to family constellations?
4:57 How can people benefit from doing a symptom constellation?
6:03 How does the body communicate with us?
6:58 What do the messages of the body refer to?
8:04 How come we don't understand the messages?
9:29 What might change in people's lives after having done a symptom constellation?
10:56 The big WHY! What would you say to invite people to take part in symptom constellations?
The meaning of symptoms
Body, mind, and soul are inextricably linked, forming one entity. It is a simple fact that psychological symptoms affect the body, and physical symptoms affect the soul. A toothache affects the whole person, not just the tooth. The same is true of back pain and sleep disorders, which can alter your mood and overall well-being.
Not understanding the meaning of physical symptoms causes stress and helplessness. This disconnect is common in our Western, success-driven lifestyle, where the will is believed to dominate the body. Treating the body as a machine to be repaired offers only short-term relief and is ineffective in the long-term. True wellness is achieved when all parts of our being are in balance and harmony.
Harmony between body, mind and soul initiates a feeling of strength and silence.
Symptom constellations are the key to understanding what the body is trying to tell us through symptoms. This method helps to uncover the messages behind symptoms and empowers individuals to take meaningful action. It links symptoms to a person's life, providing insights into chronic symptoms, illnesses, functional complaints and major health events like cancer or heart attacks.
By grouping symptoms together, new perspectives emerge, showing clear steps to take next. This method allows you to test how actions affect the system, including the symptom, offering an external view of the symptom and circumstances. It links the symptoms to the person's life, providing helpful insights into long-term issues like chronic symptoms, illnesses, functional complaints, and major health events like cancer or heart attacks.
Consequently, this approach enhances the effectiveness of additional treatments and helps people take an active role in their healing process.
About Wolfgang Spitta
From an early age, Wolfgang Spitta has been driven to help people find new paths, overcome old obstacles, achieve peace, experience happiness and take responsibility for their own lives.
This idea has shaped his work as a constellator, doctor, therapist, listener, supervisor and coach for over 35 years.
He is a confident companion who offers a safe and healing space where people can develop undisturbed, as they are and as who they want to be.
He believes that meeting people at eye level is the basis for any successful relationship. He also believes that common sense, warmth and humour are essential, as is a professional basis, which you can find out more about below.
He has been facilitating constellation workshops for many years, and he is still fascinated by the insights that lie beyond cognitive understanding. These insights are what makes the work so enriching.
Biography and Experience
- Born in Hamburg in 1962.
- Symptom and systemic constellator (1999-present).
- Doctor, therapist, supervisor, coach in private practice (1996-present).
- Staff Counselor for the UN (2012-present).
- Specialized in Psychiatry at Bonn State Hospital (1989-1996).
- Systemic consultant in management consulting at Dr. Mautsch, Cologne (1996-2003).
Training and Further Education
- Systemic counseling and therapy (Fritz B. Simon, Gunthard Weber).
- Constellation work (Gunthard Weber, Stephan Hausner, Guni-Leila Baxa, Diana Drexler).
- Solution-oriented short-term therapy (Steve de Shazer).
- Transactional analysis focused on commitment/separation and negotiation (George Kohlrieser).
- Trauma therapy/brainspotting (Gerhard Wolfrum).
- The language spoken is English.
- You can register for one or two days.
- The rate includes a healthy lunch, drinks and snacks.
- A few days before the event you will receive an email with practical information.