Transformation trajectory: A systemic look beyond stress at school.

'The school strives for balance and safety in the form of four principles.'
Hilde Van Bulck
Schools with less stress.
Why should you continue to perform under pressure?
Schools and education are under pressure. They face unprecedented challenges: stress, finding skilled staff, new working methods, anxiety, work pressure and maintaining health. We can complain about it, but that is a pure waste of time and energy.
Why should you continue to perform under pressure? What's the point? Nothing! Instead, you can develop your connection with your core, the students' and education.
Instead, we focus and consciously shift our attention to positive outcomes. The biggest challenge for education professionals is discovering what works, what reduces stress and what makes school life run smoothly.
Can four simple principles contribute to a well-functioning school?
The personal background of all participants in a school forms a complicated network for interacting with each other. This produces interesting results, but sometimes also dazzling fireworks. In the course 'A systemic view beyond stress at school', you will become acquainted with four simple principles with which a situation can evolve from stress and chaos to balance and flow. It is a working method that requires remarkably less time but personal involvement is needed. As a result, the school develops a remarkable capacity in what it can and cannot solve by itself and what can be solved in the private sphere. This way, it can invest its energy more efficiently.
'If this were in teacher training,
we would have a stronger base to start from.'
Teacher primary school
Entanglement of neutralization?
A problem at school shows a significant entanglement in the four principles that you cannot immediately put your finger on. However, the systemic approach has the potential to make that disruption visible safely and respectfully. And more importantly, it has the power to neutralize entanglements. When the principles are balanced, the school revives.
'The school environment forms the platform on which
our personal background
emerges in various guises.'
Hilde Van Bulck
Openness and application possibilities
In a short time, there has been a more significant curiosity and openness in education for the applying systemic work or educational constellations. It is not surprising, given the many application options available for every school level. We explore areas that you previously ignored. It is simple and easy to learn. But above all, it is enlightening and gives a welcome relief.
Systemic educational setups are applicable in connection with school fatigue, learning motivation, truancy or study choice. They are helpful for harassment and exclusion. For doubts about classroom management, the job, new methods or conflicts in the team. For policy questions with the administration and the composition of a new team. The list is long.
A systemic view on education has a long-lasting impact. Moreover, systemic constellations leave each participant in their self-esteem. Everyone involved is seen and heard and can once again take up their 'own' safe place. The situation and the people involved are moving.
'Inner security is the condition for learning,
teaching and leading.'
Hilde Van Bulck
Do you dare to stick your neck out?
Are you someone who doesn't give up? Someone who dares to take a new path? Someone who dares to develop the latest together with colleagues? If you are such a person who wants to consciously get to work with yourself and the possibilities you have within you... If you are such a person who strives for a more conscious approach in more conscious schools to guide students more consciously, then I have an offer for you. The new normal will then look different than what is currently described. It will open up a world of possibilities and opportunities.
Make it easier on yourself. Enrich yourself with insights that will allow you to take giant steps towards a beautiful and love-driven education where everyone can be themselves. Participate in 'A systemic look beyond stress at school' and imagine how your desire becomes a reality.
As you grow, the group grows.
You can expect tailor-made guidance from someone who knows the field, with attention for the group on the one hand and you as an individual on the other. We work together with attention to each participant. As you grow, the group grows. We work interactively from your physical, mental, emotional and energetic consciousness. We learn to perform our function in education with the preservation, even with an increase in our energy. So much less stress. Your growth will be perceived by your staff or students, which will make them happier to participate in school events. And therefore also with better results. You get feedback with a mirroring effect straight from the heart.
'If a problem is not resolved, then put it first.'
Hilde Van Bulck
For whom?
For school principals and other leaders who…
- want to empower the inner and outer leadership,
- want to deal with the many stressors in a healthily,
- want to reduce the threat of stress and burnout in the school,
- want to adapt the pedagogical vision to the natural living and learning needs of the pupils,
- who wish to acquire a systemic view of school policy.
For teachers who…
- want to teach with a lot of energy,
- want to optimize their classroom management,
- want to motivate the students with less effort,
- wish to reinforce the inner and outer leadership,
- want to acquire a systemic view of classroom events.
For school teams that…
- want to optimize their cooperation,
- want to refine their new vision, goals and plans,
- want to minimize stress and burnout factors,
- want to optimize the bullying policy,
- want to gain more insight into the functioning of a school from a systemic perspective.
- Pedagogical supervisors
- Students
- Teachers
- Education coaches
- Policymakers
In short, for all education professionals who have school in their hearts.
'When you grow, the group grows.
When the group grows, the school grows.'
Hilde Van Bulck
What are you taking with you?
- immediate applicability of Teaching by being,
- systemic insights that support you in dealing with difficulties,
- applying systemic insights,
- a transformation from inner to outer leadership,
- human resources management at a higher level,
- classroom management at a higher level,
- a better understanding of students and classroom dynamics
- joy and freedom,
- more relaxation, less stress, more inner peace,
- inspiration and commitment,
- self-confidence and self-esteem,
- sense of collegiality in your job,
- confidence in your abilities,
- the joy of living and learning,
- creative intelligence,
- concentration and observation skills.
What participants say.
- 'For me, this training meant getting closer to myself and staying true to myself. I have learned to feel what it is like to be present or not. I am now less easily swept up in the emotions and stories of others. It is so powerful to experience the entanglements and their impact on schools through constellations. I will include the applicability of what we have learned in the courses I give.' (Eva Franck - education policy)
- 'This training has given me useful tools to step into my learning power daily. The great thing is that the handles are already present in me. I have to use them. I now realize that nothing else will move if I don't. I have become more aware and dare to experiment more. If this were part of teacher training, we would have a stronger basis.' (Line Willaert - special education teacher)
- 'Super interesting, fascinating, mind-expanding education!' (Sam Hellemans, gym teacher - primary education)
- 'The training has motivated me to set up my project on awareness among teachers in my school. I keep learning and feel a lot lighter again. (Nadia Druyts - gym teacher)
- 'What I learned in this course could create a safer learning climate for all parties involved in a school.' (Karen Crabbé - Care Coordinator)
Training days: 8 - Training hours: 43
Hilde Van Bulck uitnodigen en boeken.
'Transformation trajectory: A systemic look beyond stress at school.' kan worden aangevraagd voor je organisatie, je school of je bedrijf via +32 493 24 75 47 of via [email protected].
De eigenwijze kikker
Het geheim van lesgeven en opvoeden
Hèt boek voor bewuste scholen en vitale leerkrachten.
De tijd van aanmodderen is voorbij. Vanuit haar rol als transformator, directeur, leerkracht, ouder en oma biedt Hilde nieuwe oplossingen aan waar niemand aan denkt. Ze laat in heldere voorbeelden zien hoe we leerproblemen en moeilijk gedrag creatiever kunnen aanpakken dan we tot nog toe deden.
Wil je dat je kind gelukkig is en talentrijk schittert op school? Dan zetten we in op de eigenwijsheid om betere resultaten, prettiger gedrag en creatieve samenwerking te bekomen. De kinderen worden er blij van. De leerkrachten, de directie en jij ook!
De eigenwijze kikker is een boek vol doorleefde ervaringen en concrete oefeningen voor scholen in beweging. Het is geschikt voor elk onderwijsniveau en werd geschreven om volwassenen en kinderen te bekrachtigen. Dit boek is onontbeerlijk in elke lerarenopleiding.